require 'serialport'
-if ARGV.size < 5
- STDERR.print <<EOF
- Usage: ruby #{$0} port bps nbits stopb command [target_dir] [additional specifier]
- exit(1)
-command=ARGV[4]+" ";
-puts("\nPort: "+ARGV[0]+ "@"+ARGV[1]+" "+ARGV[2]+"N"+ARGV[3]+"\n");
-$linewidth = 16
-$sp =[0], ARGV[1].to_i, ARGV[2].to_i, ARGV[3].to_i, SerialPort::NONE);
-$sp.read_timeout=1*60*1000; # 5 minutes
def readTestVector(param)
return true
+if ARGV.size < 5
+ STDERR.print <<EOF
+ Usage: ruby #{$0} port bps nbits stopb command [target_dir] [additional specifier]
+ exit(1)
+puts("\nPort: "+ARGV[0]+ "@"+ARGV[1]+" "+ARGV[2]+"N"+ARGV[3]+"\n");
+$linewidth = 16
+$sp =[0], ARGV[1].to_i, ARGV[2].to_i, ARGV[3].to_i, SerialPort::NONE);
+$sp.read_timeout=1*60*1000; # 5 minutes
puts("ERROR: test seems not to be implemented");
memcpy (&(lb[0]), block, length/8);
/* set the final one bit */
- if (length & 0x3){ /* if we have single bits at the end */
+ if (length & 0x7){ /* if we have single bits at the end */
lb[length/8] = ((uint8_t*)(block))[length/8];
} else {
lb[length/8] = 0;
lb[length/8] |= 0x80>>(length & 0x3);
- length =(length >> 3) + 1; /* from now on length contains the number of BYTES in lb*/
+ length =(length >> 7) + 1; /* from now on length contains the number of BYTES in lb*/
/* pad with zeros */
if (length>64-8){ /* not enouth space for 64bit length value */
memset((void*)(&(lb[length])), 0, 64-length);
memcpy (&(lb[0]), block, length/8);
/* set the final one bit */
- if (length & 0x3){ // if we have single bits at the end
+ if (length & 0x7){ // if we have single bits at the end
lb[length/8] = ((uint8_t*)(block))[length/8];
} else {
lb[length/8] = 0;
- lb[length/8] |= 0x80>>(length & 0x3);
+ lb[length/8] |= 0x80>>(length & 0x7);
length =(length >> 3) + 1; /* from now on length contains the number of BYTES in lb*/
/* pad with zeros */
if (length>64-8){ /* not enouth space for 64bit length value */
#include "cli.h"
#include "config.h"
-int16_t findstring_d0(const char* str, const char* v){
- uint8_t i=0;
- while(*v){
- if(!strcmp(str, v)){
- return i;
- }
- while(*v++) /* go to the next string */
- ;
- ++i;
- }
- return -1;
-#ifdef CLI_OLD
-int16_t findstring_d0_P(const char* str, PGM_P v){
- uint8_t i=0;
- while(pgm_read_byte(v)){
- if(!strcmp_P(str, v)){
- return i;
- }
- while(pgm_read_byte(v++)) /* go to the next string */
- ;
- ++i;
- }
- return -1;
-#include "uart.h"
-void cli_auto_help_P(PGM_P dbzstr){
- char c;
- uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n[auto help] available commands are:\r\n\t"));
- do{
- while((c=pgm_read_byte(dbzstr++))!=0){
- uart_putc(c);
- }
- uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\t"));
- }while((c=pgm_read_byte(dbzstr))!=0);
- uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n"));
-int16_t execcommand_d0_P(const char* str, PGM_P v, void(*fpt[])(void) ){
- int16_t i=0;
- i=findstring_d0_P(str, v);
- if(i!=-1){
- if(fpt[i])
- fpt[i]();
- return i;
- }else{
- cli_auto_help_P(v);
- return -1;
- }
-#else /* CLI_OLD */
cli_rx_fpt cli_rx = NULL;
cli_tx_fpt cli_tx = NULL;
uint8_t cli_echo=1;
void cli_auto_help(uint16_t maxcmdlength, PGM_VOID_P cmdlist){
cmdlist_entry_t item;
uint16_t i;
uint16_t firstword_length(char* s){
uint16_t ret=0;
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
typedef void(*void_fpt)(void);
-#ifdef CLI_OLD
-int16_t findstring_d0(const char* str, const char* v);
-int16_t findstring_d0_P(const char* str, PGM_P v);
-int16_t execcommand_d0_P(const char* str, PGM_P v, void(*fpt[])(void) );
typedef char (*cli_rx_fpt)(void);
typedef void (*cli_tx_fpt)(char);
extern cli_tx_fpt cli_tx;
extern uint8_t cli_echo;
+void cli_putstr(char* s);
+void cli_putstr_P(PGM_P s);
+void cli_hexdump(void* data, uint16_t length);
void echo_ctrl(char* s);
int8_t cmd_interface(PGM_VOID_P cmd_desc);
#endif /*CLI_H_*/