TMP_1 = 11
.global bigint_add_scale_u
-#if 0
- push_range 6, 11
- movw r30, r24 /* dest ptr */
- movw r26, r22 /* src ptr */
- movw r24, r20 /* scale */
- movw DST_CTX_0, r30
- movw SRC_CTX_0, r26
- movw SCALE_0, r24
- /* pad dst with zeros if scale > dst_length */
- ld DST_SIZE_0, Z+
- ld DST_SIZE_1, Z+
- sub r24, DST_SIZE_0
- sbc r25, DST_SIZE_1
- ldd TMP_0, Z+1 /* load tmp with DST_WORDV */
- ldd TMP_1, Z+2
- movw r30, TMP_0
- brmi 20f /* branch if DST_SIZE > scale */
- add r30, DST_SIZE_0
- adc r31, DST_SIZE_1
- sbiw r24, 1
- brmi 25f
- st Z+, r1
- rjmp 10b
- add r30, r20 /* add scale to DST_WORDV */
- adc r31, r21
- /* add src to dest until one of the two ends */
- ld SRC_SIZE_0, X+
- ld SRC_SIZE_1, X+
- adiw r26, 1
- ld TMP_0, X+ /* load tmp with SRC_WORDV */
- ld TMP_1, X
- movw r26, TMP_0
- movw r24, SRC_SIZE_0
- add r24, SCALE_0
- adc r25, SCALE_1
- clt
- cp r24, DST_SIZE_0
- cpc r25, DST_SIZE_1
- brlo 30f
- set
- movw r24, DST_SIZE_0
- adiw r24, 0
- breq 35f
- inc r25
- clc
- ld TMP_0, X+
- ld TMP_1, Z
- adc TMP_1, TMP_0
- st Z+, TMP_1
- dec r24
- brne 31b
- dec r25
- brne 31b
- rol TMP_1
- brts 40f
- /* dst is longer than src+scale */
- ror TMP_1
- ld TMP_0, Z
- adc TMP_0, r1
- st Z+, TMP_0
- brcs 38b
- rjmp 90f
- /* dst is shorter than src+scale */
- movw r24, SRC_SIZE_0
- sub r24, DST_SIZE_0
- sbc r25, DST_SIZE_1
- add r24, SCALE_0
- adc r25, SCALE_1
- adiw r24, 0
- breq 90f
- inc r25
- ror TMP_1
- ld TMP_0, X+
- adc TMP_0, r1
- st Z+, TMP_0
- dec r24
- brne 45b
- dec r25
- brne 45b
- movw r24, DST_CTX_0
- pop_range 6, 11
- rjmp bigint_adjust
TMP_1 = 11
- push_range 6, 11
movw r30, r24 /* dest ptr */
movw r26, r22 /* src ptr */
movw r24, r20 /* scale */
+ movw SCALE_0, r24
+ ld r24, X+
+ ld r25, X+
+ adiw r24, 0
+ brne 10f
+ ret
+ movw SRC_LEN_0, r24
+ push_range 6, 11
movw DST_CTX_0, r30
movw SRC_CTX_0, r26
- movw SCALE_0, r24
/* pad dest with zeros to length of SRC_LENGTH + scale */
- ld SRC_LEN_0, X+
- ld SRC_LEN_1, X+
adiw r26, 1
ld TMP_0, X+
ld TMP_1, X+
$size = length_a_B
(0..16).each do |i|
- (0..300).each do |scale|
+ scales = [0, 300]
+ 16.times { scales << rand(301) }
+ scales.sort!
+ scales.each do |scale|
a = rand(256**length_a_B)
b = rand(256**length_a_B)
v = add_scale_test(a, b, scale)
(0..16).each do |i|
- (0..300).each do |scale|
+ scales = [0, 300]
+ 16.times { scales << rand(301) }
+ scales.sort!
+ scales.each do |scale|
b_size = rand(length_b_B+1)
a = rand(256**length_a_B)
b = rand(256**b_size)
- length_a_B += 1
- length_b_B += 1
+ length_a_B += 10
+ length_b_B += 10
end while length_a_B<4096/8