--- /dev/null
+/* blake_common.c */
+ This file is part of the AVR-Crypto-Lib.
+ Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de)
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * \file blake_common.c
+ * \author Daniel Otte
+ * \email daniel.otte@rub.de
+ * \date 2009-05-08
+ * \license GPLv3 or later
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+uint8_t blake_sigma[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD, 0xE, 0xF,
+ 0xE, 0xA, 0x4, 0x8, 0x9, 0xF, 0xD, 0x6, 0x1, 0xC, 0x0, 0x2, 0xB, 0x7, 0x5, 0x3,
+ 0xB, 0x8, 0xC, 0x0, 0x5, 0x2, 0xF, 0xD, 0xA, 0xE, 0x3, 0x6, 0x7, 0x1, 0x9, 0x4,
+ 0x7, 0x9, 0x3, 0x1, 0xD, 0xC, 0xB, 0xE, 0x2, 0x6, 0x5, 0xA, 0x4, 0x0, 0xF, 0x8,
+ 0x9, 0x0, 0x5, 0x7, 0x2, 0x4, 0xA, 0xF, 0xE, 0x1, 0xB, 0xC, 0x6, 0x8, 0x3, 0xD,
+ 0x2, 0xC, 0x6, 0xA, 0x0, 0xB, 0x8, 0x3, 0x4, 0xD, 0x7, 0x5, 0xF, 0xE, 0x1, 0x9,
+ 0xC, 0x5, 0x1, 0xF, 0xE, 0xD, 0x4, 0xA, 0x0, 0x7, 0x6, 0x3, 0x9, 0x2, 0x8, 0xB,
+ 0xD, 0xB, 0x7, 0xE, 0xC, 0x1, 0x3, 0x9, 0x5, 0x0, 0xF, 0x4, 0x8, 0x6, 0x2, 0xA,
+ 0x6, 0xF, 0xE, 0x9, 0xB, 0x3, 0x0, 0x8, 0xC, 0x2, 0xD, 0x7, 0x1, 0x4, 0xA, 0x5,
+ 0xA, 0x2, 0x8, 0x4, 0x7, 0x6, 0x1, 0x5, 0xF, 0xB, 0x9, 0xE, 0x3, 0xC, 0xD, 0x0
+uint8_t blake_index_lut[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x0, 0x4, 0x8, 0xC,
+ 0x1, 0x5, 0x9, 0xD,
+ 0x2, 0x6, 0xA, 0xE,
+ 0x3, 0x7, 0xB, 0xF,
+ 0x0, 0x5, 0xA, 0xF,
+ 0x1, 0x6, 0xB, 0xC,
+ 0x2, 0x7, 0x8, 0xD,
+ 0x3, 0x4, 0x9, 0xE
--- /dev/null
+/* blake_common.h */
+ This file is part of the AVR-Crypto-Lib.
+ Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de)
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * \file blake_common.h
+ * \author Daniel Otte
+ * \email daniel.otte@rub.de
+ * \date 2009-05-08
+ * \license GPLv3 or later
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef BLAKE_COMMON_H_
+#define BLAKE_COMMON_H_
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+extern uint8_t blake_sigma[];
+extern uint8_t blake_index_lut[];
+#endif /* BLAKE_COMMON_H_ */
--- /dev/null
+/* blake_large.c */
+ This file is part of the AVR-Crypto-Lib.
+ Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de)
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * \file blake_large.c
+ * \author Daniel Otte
+ * \email daniel.otte@rub.de
+ * \date 2009-05-08
+ * \license GPLv3 or later
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+#include "memxor.h"
+#include "blake_large.h"
+#include "blake_common.h"
+#define DEBUG 0
+#define DEBUG_2 0
+#define BUG_3 0 /* bug compatibility with reference code */
+#define BUG_4 0 /* bug compatibility with reference code */
+#if DEBUG_2
+ #include "cli.h"
+#if DEBUG
+ #include "cli.h"
+ void dump_v(uint64_t* v){
+ uint8_t i;
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n=== v dump ==="));
+ for(i=0; i<16; ++i){
+ if(i%4==0)
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\t"));
+ cli_hexdump_rev(v+i, 8);
+ cli_putc(' ');
+ }
+ }
+ #define dump_v(v)
+uint64_t pgm_read_qword(void* p){
+ union{
+ uint64_t v64;
+ uint32_t v32[2];
+ }r;
+ r.v32[0] = pgm_read_dword(p);
+ r.v32[1] = pgm_read_dword((uint8_t*)p+4);
+ return r.v64;
+uint64_t blake_c[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x243F6A8885A308D3LL, 0x13198A2E03707344LL,
+ 0xA4093822299F31D0LL, 0x082EFA98EC4E6C89LL,
+ 0x452821E638D01377LL, 0xBE5466CF34E90C6CLL,
+ 0xC0AC29B7C97C50DDLL, 0x3F84D5B5B5470917LL,
+ 0x9216D5D98979FB1BLL, 0xD1310BA698DFB5ACLL,
+ 0x2FFD72DBD01ADFB7LL, 0xB8E1AFED6A267E96LL,
+ 0xBA7C9045F12C7F99LL, 0x24A19947B3916CF7LL,
+ 0x0801F2E2858EFC16LL, 0x636920D871574E69LL
+#define ROTL64(a, n) (((a)<<(n))|((a)>>(64-(n))))
+#define ROTR64(a, n) (((a)>>(n))|((a)<<(64-(n))))
+#define CHANGE_ENDIAN32(a) (((a)<<24)| \
+ ((0x0000ff00&(a))<<8)| \
+ ((0x00ff0000&(a))>>8)| \
+ (a)>>24 )
+void blake_large_g(uint8_t r, uint8_t i, uint64_t* v, const uint64_t* m){
+ uint8_t a,b,c,d, s0, s1;
+ a = pgm_read_byte(blake_index_lut+4*i+0);
+ b = pgm_read_byte(blake_index_lut+4*i+1);
+ c = pgm_read_byte(blake_index_lut+4*i+2);
+ d = pgm_read_byte(blake_index_lut+4*i+3);
+ s0 = pgm_read_byte(blake_sigma+16*r+2*i+0);
+ s1 = pgm_read_byte(blake_sigma+16*r+2*i+1);
+#if DEBUG
+ if(i==0){
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n s0 = "));
+ cli_hexdump(&s0, 1);
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR(" s1 = "));
+ cli_hexdump(&s1, 1);
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n m[s0] = "));
+ cli_hexdump_rev(m+s0, 4);
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n m[s1] = "));
+ cli_hexdump_rev(m+s1, 4);
+ }
+ v[a] += v[b] + (m[s0] ^ pgm_read_qword(&(blake_c[s1])));
+ v[d] = ROTR64(v[d]^v[a], 32);
+ v[c] += v[d];
+ v[b] = ROTR64(v[b]^v[c], 25);
+ v[a] += v[b] + (m[s1] ^ pgm_read_qword(&(blake_c[s0])));
+ v[d] = ROTR64(v[d]^v[a], 16);
+ v[c] += v[d];
+ v[b] = ROTR64(v[b]^v[c], 11);
+void blake_large_expand(uint64_t* v, const blake_large_ctx_t* ctx){
+ uint8_t i;
+ memcpy(v, ctx->h, 8*8);
+ for(i=0; i<8; ++i){
+ v[8+i] = pgm_read_qword(&(blake_c[i]));
+ }
+ memxor((uint8_t*)v+8, ctx->s, 4*8);
+void blake_large_changeendian(void* dest, const void* src){
+ uint8_t i;
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ for(i=0; i<32; i+=2){
+ tmp = CHANGE_ENDIAN32(((uint32_t*)src)[i]);
+ ((uint32_t*)dest)[i] = CHANGE_ENDIAN32(((uint32_t*)src)[i+1]);
+ ((uint32_t*)dest)[i+1] = tmp;
+ }
+void blake_large_compress(uint64_t* v,const void* m){
+ uint8_t r,i;
+#if DEBUG
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n== compress 64 =="));
+ dump_v(v);
+#if DEBUG_2
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n=== message block ===\r\n m ="));
+ cli_hexdump_block(m, 1024/8, 4, 16);
+ for(r=0; r<14; ++r){
+ for(i=0; i<8; ++i){
+ blake_large_g(r%10, i, v, (uint64_t*)m);
+#if DEBUG
+ if(1){
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n ROUND: "));
+ cli_hexdump(&r,1);
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR(" I: "));
+ cli_hexdump(&i,1);
+ dump_v(v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void blake_large_collapse(blake_large_ctx_t* ctx, uint64_t* v){
+ uint8_t i;
+ for(i=0; i<8; ++i){
+ ctx->h[i] ^= ctx->s[i%4] ^ v[i] ^ v[8+i];
+ }
+void blake_large_nextBlock(blake_large_ctx_t* ctx, const void* msg){
+ uint64_t v[16];
+ uint64_t m[16];
+ union {
+ uint64_t v64;
+ uint32_t v32[2];
+ }ctr;
+ blake_large_expand(v,ctx);
+ ctx->counter++;
+ ctr.v64 = ctx->counter*1024;
+ v[12] ^= ctr.v64;
+ v[13] ^= ctr.v64;
+ blake_large_changeendian(m, msg);
+ blake_large_compress(v, m);
+ blake_large_collapse(ctx, v);
+void blake_large_lastBlock(blake_large_ctx_t* ctx, const void* msg, uint16_t length_b){
+ while(length_b>=BLAKE_LARGE_BLOCKSIZE){
+ blake_large_nextBlock(ctx, msg);
+ msg = (uint8_t*)msg + BLAKE_LARGE_BLOCKSIZE_B;
+ }
+ uint8_t buffer[128];
+ uint64_t v[16];
+ uint64_t ctr;
+ ctr = ctx->counter*1024+length_b;
+ memset(buffer, 0, 128);
+ memcpy(buffer, msg, (length_b+7)/8);
+ buffer[length_b/8] |= 0x80 >> (length_b%8);
+ blake_large_changeendian(buffer, buffer);
+ blake_large_expand(v, ctx);
+#if BUG_3
+ uint8_t x=0;
+ if(length_b%1024<895 && length_b%8)
+ x=0x40;
+ v[12] ^= ctr + x;
+ v[13] ^= ctr + x;
+ v[12] ^= ctr;
+ v[13] ^= ctr;
+ if(length_b>1024-128-2){
+#if BUG_4
+ if(length_b<1017){
+ blake_large_compress(v, buffer);
+ blake_large_collapse(ctx, v);
+ }
+ blake_large_compress(v, buffer);
+ blake_large_collapse(ctx, v);
+ memset(buffer, 0, 128-8);
+ blake_large_expand(v, ctx);
+ }
+ if(ctx->appendone)
+ buffer[128-16-8] |= 0x01;
+ *((uint64_t*)(&(buffer[128-8]))) = ctr;
+ blake_large_compress(v, buffer);
+ blake_large_collapse(ctx, v);
+uint64_t blake64_iv[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x6A09E667F3BCC908LL, 0xBB67AE8584CAA73BLL,
+ 0x3C6EF372FE94F82BLL, 0xA54FF53A5F1D36F1LL,
+ 0x510E527FADE682D1LL, 0x9B05688C2B3E6C1FLL,
+ 0x1F83D9ABFB41BD6BLL, 0x5BE0CD19137E2179LL
+void blake64_init(blake64_ctx_t* ctx){
+ uint8_t i;
+ for(i=0; i<8; ++i){
+ ctx->h[i] = pgm_read_qword(&(blake64_iv[i]));
+ }
+ memset(ctx->s, 0, 4*8);
+ ctx->counter = 0;
+ ctx->appendone = 1;
+uint64_t blake48_iv[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0xCBBB9D5DC1059ED8LL, 0x629A292A367CD507LL,
+ 0x9159015A3070DD17LL, 0x152FECD8F70E5939LL,
+ 0x67332667FFC00B31LL, 0x8EB44A8768581511LL,
+ 0xDB0C2E0D64F98FA7LL, 0x47B5481DBEFA4FA4LL
+void blake48_init(blake48_ctx_t* ctx){
+ uint8_t i;
+ for(i=0; i<8; ++i){
+ ctx->h[i] = pgm_read_qword(&(blake48_iv[i]));
+ }
+ memset(ctx->s, 0, 4*8);
+ ctx->counter = 0;
+ ctx->appendone = 0;
+void blake64_ctx2hash(void* dest, const blake64_ctx_t* ctx){
+ uint8_t i;
+ for(i=0; i<8; ++i){
+ ((uint32_t*)dest)[2*i+0] = CHANGE_ENDIAN32((ctx->h[i])>>32);
+ ((uint32_t*)dest)[2*i+1] = CHANGE_ENDIAN32((uint32_t)ctx->h[i]);
+ }
+void blake48_ctx2hash(void* dest, const blake48_ctx_t* ctx){
+ uint8_t i;
+ for(i=0; i<6; ++i){
+ ((uint32_t*)dest)[2*i+0] = CHANGE_ENDIAN32((ctx->h[i])>>32);
+ ((uint32_t*)dest)[2*i+1] = CHANGE_ENDIAN32((uint32_t)ctx->h[i]);
+ }
+void blake64_nextBlock(blake64_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block){
+ blake_large_nextBlock(ctx, block);
+void blake48_nextBlock(blake48_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block){
+ blake_large_nextBlock(ctx, block);
+void blake64_lastBlock(blake64_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block, uint16_t length_b){
+ blake_large_lastBlock(ctx, block, length_b);
+void blake48_lastBlock(blake48_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block, uint16_t length_b){
+ blake_large_lastBlock(ctx, block, length_b);
+void blake64(void* dest, const void* msg, uint32_t length_b){
+ blake_large_ctx_t ctx;
+ blake64_init(&ctx);
+ while(length_b>=BLAKE_LARGE_BLOCKSIZE){
+ blake_large_nextBlock(&ctx, msg);
+ msg = (uint8_t*)msg + BLAKE_LARGE_BLOCKSIZE_B;
+ }
+ blake_large_lastBlock(&ctx, msg, length_b);
+ blake64_ctx2hash(dest, &ctx);
+void blake48(void* dest, const void* msg, uint32_t length_b){
+ blake_large_ctx_t ctx;
+ blake48_init(&ctx);
+ while(length_b>=BLAKE_LARGE_BLOCKSIZE){
+ blake_large_nextBlock(&ctx, msg);
+ msg = (uint8_t*)msg + BLAKE_LARGE_BLOCKSIZE_B;
+ }
+ blake_large_lastBlock(&ctx, msg, length_b);
+ blake48_ctx2hash(dest, &ctx);
--- /dev/null
+/* blake_large.h */
+ This file is part of the AVR-Crypto-Lib.
+ Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de)
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * \file blake_large.h
+ * \author Daniel Otte
+ * \email daniel.otte@rub.de
+ * \date 2009-05-08
+ * \license GPLv3 or later
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef BLAKE_LARGE_H_
+#define BLAKE_LARGE_H_
+#include <stdint.h>
+typedef struct {
+ uint64_t h[8];
+ uint64_t s[4];
+ uint32_t counter;
+ uint8_t appendone;
+} blake_large_ctx_t;
+typedef blake_large_ctx_t blake48_ctx_t;
+typedef blake_large_ctx_t blake64_ctx_t;
+void blake48_init(blake48_ctx_t* ctx);
+void blake64_init(blake64_ctx_t* ctx);
+void blake_large_nextBlock(blake_large_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block);
+void blake_large_lastBlock(blake_large_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block, uint16_t length_b);
+void blake48_nextBlock(blake48_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block);
+void blake48_lastBlock(blake48_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block, uint16_t length_b);
+void blake64_nextBlock(blake64_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block);
+void blake64_lastBlock(blake64_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block, uint16_t length_b);
+void blake48_ctx2hash(void* dest, const blake48_ctx_t* ctx);
+void blake64_ctx2hash(void* dest, const blake64_ctx_t* ctx);
+void blake48(void* dest, const void* msg, uint32_t length_b);
+void blake64(void* dest, const void* msg, uint32_t length_b);
+#endif /* BLAKE_LARGE_H_ */
--- /dev/null
+/* blake_small.c */
+ This file is part of the AVR-Crypto-Lib.
+ Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de)
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * \file blake_small.c
+ * \author Daniel Otte
+ * \email daniel.otte@rub.de
+ * \date 2009-05-04
+ * \license GPLv3 or later
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+#include "memxor.h"
+#include "blake_small.h"
+#include "blake_common.h"
+#define DEBUG 0
+#define DEBUG_2 0
+#define BUG_1 0 /* bug compatibility for zero length message */
+#define BUG_2 0 /* bug compatibility for messages of length%512=505...511 */
+#if DEBUG_2
+ #include "cli.h"
+#if DEBUG
+ #include "cli.h"
+ void dump_v(uint32_t* v){
+ uint8_t i;
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n=== v dump ==="));
+ for(i=0; i<16; ++i){
+ if(i%8==0)
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\t"));
+ cli_hexdump_rev(v+i, 4);
+ cli_putc(' ');
+ }
+ }
+ #define dump_v(v)
+uint32_t blake_c[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x243F6A88, 0x85A308D3,
+ 0x13198A2E, 0x03707344,
+ 0xA4093822, 0x299F31D0,
+ 0x082EFA98, 0xEC4E6C89,
+ 0x452821E6, 0x38D01377,
+ 0xBE5466CF, 0x34E90C6C,
+ 0xC0AC29B7, 0xC97C50DD,
+ 0x3F84D5B5, 0xB5470917
+#define ROTL32(a, n) (((a)<<(n))|((a)>>(32-(n))))
+#define ROTR32(a, n) (((a)>>(n))|((a)<<(32-(n))))
+#define CHANGE_ENDIAN32(a) (((a)<<24)| \
+ ((0x0000ff00&(a))<<8)| \
+ ((0x00ff0000&(a))>>8)| \
+ (a)>>24 )
+void blake_small_g(uint8_t r, uint8_t i, uint32_t* v, const uint32_t* m){
+ uint8_t a,b,c,d, s0, s1;
+ a = pgm_read_byte(blake_index_lut+4*i+0);
+ b = pgm_read_byte(blake_index_lut+4*i+1);
+ c = pgm_read_byte(blake_index_lut+4*i+2);
+ d = pgm_read_byte(blake_index_lut+4*i+3);
+ s0 = pgm_read_byte(blake_sigma+16*r+2*i+0);
+ s1 = pgm_read_byte(blake_sigma+16*r+2*i+1);
+#if DEBUG
+ if(i==0){
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n s0 = "));
+ cli_hexdump(&s0, 1);
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR(" s1 = "));
+ cli_hexdump(&s1, 1);
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n m[s0] = "));
+ cli_hexdump_rev(m+s0, 4);
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n m[s1] = "));
+ cli_hexdump_rev(m+s1, 4);
+ }
+ v[a] += v[b] + (m[s0] ^ pgm_read_dword(&(blake_c[s1])));
+ v[d] = ROTR32(v[d]^v[a], 16);
+ v[c] += v[d];
+ v[b] = ROTR32(v[b]^v[c], 12);
+ v[a] += v[b] + (m[s1] ^ pgm_read_dword(&(blake_c[s0])));
+ v[d] = ROTR32(v[d]^v[a], 8);
+ v[c] += v[d];
+ v[b] = ROTR32(v[b]^v[c], 7);
+void blake_small_expand(uint32_t* v, const blake_small_ctx_t* ctx){
+ uint8_t i;
+ memcpy(v, ctx->h, 8*4);
+ for(i=0; i<8; ++i){
+ v[8+i] = pgm_read_dword(&(blake_c[i]));
+ }
+ memxor((uint8_t*)v+8, ctx->s, 4*4);
+void blake_small_changeendian(void* dest, const void* src){
+ uint8_t i;
+ for(i=0; i<16; ++i){
+ ((uint32_t*)dest)[i] = CHANGE_ENDIAN32(((uint32_t*)src)[i]);
+ }
+void blake_small_compress(uint32_t* v,const void* m){
+ uint8_t r,i;
+#if DEBUG
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n== compress 32 =="));
+ dump_v(v);
+#if DEBUG_2
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n=== message block ===\r\n m ="));
+ cli_hexdump_block(m, 512/8, 4, 16);
+ for(r=0; r<10; ++r){
+ for(i=0; i<8; ++i){
+ blake_small_g(r, i, v, (uint32_t*)m);
+#if DEBUG
+ if(1){
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n ROUND: "));
+ cli_hexdump(&r,1);
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR(" I: "));
+ cli_hexdump(&i,1);
+ dump_v(v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void blake_small_collapse(blake_small_ctx_t* ctx, uint32_t* v){
+ uint8_t i;
+ for(i=0; i<8; ++i){
+ ctx->h[i] ^= ctx->s[i%4] ^ v[i] ^ v[8+i];
+ }
+void blake_small_nextBlock(blake_small_ctx_t* ctx, const void* msg){
+ uint32_t v[16];
+ uint32_t m[16];
+ union {
+ uint64_t v64;
+ uint32_t v32[2];
+ }ctr;
+ blake_small_expand(v,ctx);
+ ctx->counter++;
+ ctr.v64 = ctx->counter*512;
+ v[12] ^= ctr.v32[0];
+ v[13] ^= ctr.v32[0];
+ v[14] ^= ctr.v32[1];
+ v[15] ^= ctr.v32[1];
+ blake_small_changeendian(m, msg);
+ blake_small_compress(v, m);
+ blake_small_collapse(ctx, v);
+void blake_small_lastBlock(blake_small_ctx_t* ctx, const void* msg, uint16_t length_b){
+ while(length_b>=BLAKE_SMALL_BLOCKSIZE){
+ blake_small_nextBlock(ctx, msg);
+ msg = (uint8_t*)msg + BLAKE_SMALL_BLOCKSIZE_B;
+ }
+ uint8_t buffer[64];
+ uint32_t v[16];
+#if BUG_2
+ uint32_t tmp=0;
+ union {
+ uint64_t v64;
+ uint32_t v32[2];
+ }ctr;
+ ctr.v64 = ctx->counter*512+length_b;
+#if BUG_2
+ if(length_b>=505){
+ tmp =ctr.v32[0];
+ ctr.v32[0] = ctx->counter*512;
+ ctr.v32[0] |= 0x40+length_b-504;
+ }
+ memset(buffer, 0, 64);
+ memcpy(buffer, msg, (length_b+7)/8);
+ buffer[length_b/8] |= 0x80 >> (length_b%8);
+ blake_small_changeendian(buffer, buffer);
+ blake_small_expand(v, ctx);
+ v[12] ^= ctr.v32[0];
+ v[13] ^= ctr.v32[0];
+ v[14] ^= ctr.v32[1];
+ v[15] ^= ctr.v32[1];
+#if BUG_2
+ if(length_b>=505)
+ ctr.v32[0] = tmp;
+#if BUG_1
+ if(length_b==0 && ctx->counter==0){
+ v[14] ^= 1;
+ v[15] ^= 1;
+ }
+ if(length_b>512-64-2){
+ blake_small_compress(v, buffer);
+ blake_small_collapse(ctx, v);
+ memset(buffer, 0, 64-8);
+ blake_small_expand(v, ctx);
+ }
+ if(ctx->appendone)
+ buffer[64-8-4] |= 0x01;
+ *((uint32_t*)(&(buffer[64-8]))) = ctr.v32[1];
+ *((uint32_t*)(&(buffer[64-4]))) = ctr.v32[0];
+ blake_small_compress(v, buffer);
+ blake_small_collapse(ctx, v);
+uint32_t blake32_iv[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x6A09E667L, 0xBB67AE85,
+ 0x3C6EF372L, 0xA54FF53A,
+ 0x510E527FL, 0x9B05688C,
+ 0x1F83D9ABL, 0x5BE0CD19
+void blake32_init(blake32_ctx_t* ctx){
+ uint8_t i;
+ for(i=0; i<8; ++i){
+ ctx->h[i] = pgm_read_dword(&(blake32_iv[i]));
+ }
+ memset(ctx->s, 0, 4*4);
+ ctx->counter = 0;
+ ctx->appendone = 1;
+uint32_t blake28_iv[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0xC1059ED8, 0x367CD507,
+ 0x3070DD17, 0xF70E5939,
+ 0xFFC00B31, 0x68581511,
+ 0x64F98FA7, 0xBEFA4FA4
+void blake28_init(blake28_ctx_t* ctx){
+ uint8_t i;
+ for(i=0; i<8; ++i){
+ ctx->h[i] = pgm_read_dword(&(blake28_iv[i]));
+ }
+ memset(ctx->s, 0, 4*4);
+ ctx->counter = 0;
+ ctx->appendone = 0;
+void blake32_ctx2hash(void* dest, const blake32_ctx_t* ctx){
+ uint8_t i;
+ for(i=0; i<8; ++i){
+ ((uint32_t*)dest)[i] = CHANGE_ENDIAN32(ctx->h[i]);
+ }
+void blake28_ctx2hash(void* dest, const blake28_ctx_t* ctx){
+ uint8_t i;
+ for(i=0; i<7; ++i){
+ ((uint32_t*)dest)[i] = CHANGE_ENDIAN32(ctx->h[i]);
+ }
+void blake32_nextBlock(blake32_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block){
+ blake_small_nextBlock(ctx, block);
+void blake28_nextBlock(blake28_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block){
+ blake_small_nextBlock(ctx, block);
+void blake32_lastBlock(blake32_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block, uint16_t length_b){
+ blake_small_lastBlock(ctx, block, length_b);
+void blake28_lastBlock(blake28_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block, uint16_t length_b){
+ blake_small_lastBlock(ctx, block, length_b);
+void blake32(void* dest, const void* msg, uint32_t length_b){
+ blake_small_ctx_t ctx;
+ blake32_init(&ctx);
+ while(length_b>=BLAKE_SMALL_BLOCKSIZE){
+ blake_small_nextBlock(&ctx, msg);
+ msg = (uint8_t*)msg + BLAKE_SMALL_BLOCKSIZE_B;
+ }
+ blake_small_lastBlock(&ctx, msg, length_b);
+ blake32_ctx2hash(dest, &ctx);
+void blake28(void* dest, const void* msg, uint32_t length_b){
+ blake_small_ctx_t ctx;
+ blake28_init(&ctx);
+ while(length_b>=BLAKE_SMALL_BLOCKSIZE){
+ blake_small_nextBlock(&ctx, msg);
+ msg = (uint8_t*)msg + BLAKE_SMALL_BLOCKSIZE_B;
+ }
+ blake_small_lastBlock(&ctx, msg, length_b);
+ blake28_ctx2hash(dest, &ctx);
--- /dev/null
+/* blake_small.h */
+ This file is part of the AVR-Crypto-Lib.
+ Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de)
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * \file blake_small.h
+ * \author Daniel Otte
+ * \email daniel.otte@rub.de
+ * \date 2009-04-27
+ * \license GPLv3 or later
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef BLAKE_SMALL_H_
+#define BLAKE_SMALL_H_
+#include <stdint.h>
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t h[8];
+ uint32_t s[4];
+ uint32_t counter;
+ uint8_t appendone;
+} blake_small_ctx_t;
+typedef blake_small_ctx_t blake28_ctx_t;
+typedef blake_small_ctx_t blake32_ctx_t;
+void blake28_init(blake28_ctx_t* ctx);
+void blake32_init(blake32_ctx_t* ctx);
+void blake_small_nextBlock(blake_small_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block);
+void blake_small_lastBlock(blake_small_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block, uint16_t length_b);
+void blake28_nextBlock(blake28_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block);
+void blake28_lastBlock(blake28_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block, uint16_t length_b);
+void blake32_nextBlock(blake32_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block);
+void blake32_lastBlock(blake32_ctx_t* ctx, const void* block, uint16_t length_b);
+void blake28_ctx2hash(void* dest, const blake28_ctx_t* ctx);
+void blake32_ctx2hash(void* dest, const blake32_ctx_t* ctx);
+void blake28(void* dest, const void* msg, uint32_t length_b);
+void blake32(void* dest, const void* msg, uint32_t length_b);
+#endif /* BLAKE_SMALL_H_ */
--- /dev/null
+/* hfal_blake_large.c */
+ This file is part of the AVR-Crypto-Lib.
+ Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de)
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * \file hfal_blake_large.c
+ * \email daniel.otte@rub.de
+ * \author Daniel Otte
+ * \date 2009-05-08
+ * \license GPLv3 or later
+ *
+ */
+#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "hashfunction_descriptor.h"
+#include "blake_large.h"
+static const char blake48_str[] PROGMEM = "Blake-48";
+static const char blake64_str[] PROGMEM = "Blake-64";
+const hfdesc_t blake48_desc PROGMEM = {
+ 0,
+ blake48_str,
+ sizeof(blake48_ctx_t),
+ 384,
+ (hf_init_fpt)blake48_init,
+ (hf_nextBlock_fpt)blake48_nextBlock,
+ (hf_lastBlock_fpt)blake48_lastBlock,
+ (hf_ctx2hash_fpt)blake48_ctx2hash,
+ (hf_free_fpt)NULL,
+ (hf_mem_fpt)blake48
+const hfdesc_t blake64_desc PROGMEM = {
+ 0,
+ blake64_str,
+ sizeof(blake64_ctx_t),
+ 512,
+ (hf_init_fpt)blake64_init,
+ (hf_nextBlock_fpt)blake64_nextBlock,
+ (hf_lastBlock_fpt)blake64_lastBlock,
+ (hf_ctx2hash_fpt)blake64_ctx2hash,
+ (hf_free_fpt)NULL,
+ (hf_mem_fpt)blake64
--- /dev/null
+/* hfal_blake_large.h */
+ This file is part of the AVR-Crypto-Lib.
+ Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de)
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * \file hfal_blake_large.h
+ * \email daniel.otte@rub.de
+ * \author Daniel Otte
+ * \date 2009-05-08
+ * \license GPLv3 or later
+ *
+ */
+#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+#include "hashfunction_descriptor.h"
+extern const hfdesc_t blake48_desc;
+extern const hfdesc_t blake64_desc;
+#endif /* HFAL_BLAKE_LARGE_H_ */
--- /dev/null
+/* hfal_blake_small.c */
+ This file is part of the AVR-Crypto-Lib.
+ Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de)
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * \file hfal_blake_small.c
+ * \email daniel.otte@rub.de
+ * \author Daniel Otte
+ * \date 2009-05-05
+ * \license GPLv3 or later
+ *
+ */
+#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "hashfunction_descriptor.h"
+#include "blake_small.h"
+static const char blake28_str[] PROGMEM = "Blake-28";
+static const char blake32_str[] PROGMEM = "Blake-32";
+const hfdesc_t blake28_desc PROGMEM = {
+ 0,
+ blake28_str,
+ sizeof(blake28_ctx_t),
+ 224,
+ (hf_init_fpt)blake28_init,
+ (hf_nextBlock_fpt)blake28_nextBlock,
+ (hf_lastBlock_fpt)blake28_lastBlock,
+ (hf_ctx2hash_fpt)blake28_ctx2hash,
+ (hf_free_fpt)NULL,
+ (hf_mem_fpt)blake28
+const hfdesc_t blake32_desc PROGMEM = {
+ 0,
+ blake32_str,
+ sizeof(blake32_ctx_t),
+ 256,
+ (hf_init_fpt)blake32_init,
+ (hf_nextBlock_fpt)blake32_nextBlock,
+ (hf_lastBlock_fpt)blake32_lastBlock,
+ (hf_ctx2hash_fpt)blake32_ctx2hash,
+ (hf_free_fpt)NULL,
+ (hf_mem_fpt)blake32
--- /dev/null
+/* hfal_blake_small.h */
+ This file is part of the AVR-Crypto-Lib.
+ Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de)
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * \file hfal_blake_small.h
+ * \email daniel.otte@rub.de
+ * \author Daniel Otte
+ * \date 2009-05-05
+ * \license GPLv3 or later
+ *
+ */
+#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+#include "hashfunction_descriptor.h"
+extern const hfdesc_t blake28_desc;
+extern const hfdesc_t blake32_desc;
+#endif /* HFAL_BLAKE_SMALL_H_ */
b = (/[\s]*MD[\s]*=[\s]*([0-9a-fA-F]*).*/.match(avr_md))[1];
- printf("\n%4d: ", line) if (pos%$linewidth==0 and $linewidth!=0)
+ printf("\n%4d (%4d): ", line, (line-1)*$linewidth) if (pos%$linewidth==0 and $linewidth!=0)
line += 1 if (pos%$linewidth==0 and $linewidth!=0)
--- /dev/null
+# Makefile for Blake
+# comment out the following line for removement of Blake from the build process
+$(ALGO_NAME)_OBJ := blake_small.o blake_large.o blake_common.o memxor.o
+$(ALGO_NAME)_TEST_BIN := main-blake-test.o debug.o uart.o hexdigit_tab.o \
+ dbz_strings.o nessie_common.o cli.o string-extras.o performance_test.o \
+ nessie_hash_test.o hfal-basic.o hfal_blake_small.o hfal_blake_large.o shavs.o
+$(ALGO_NAME)_NESSIE_TEST := test nessie
--- /dev/null
+/* main-blake-test.c */
+ This file is part of the AVR-Crypto-Lib.
+ Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de)
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * blake test-suit
+ *
+#include "config.h"
+#include "serial-tools.h"
+#include "uart.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "blake_small.h"
+#include "blake_large.h"
+#include "hfal_blake_small.h"
+#include "hfal_blake_large.h"
+#include "shavs.h"
+#include "cli.h"
+#include "nessie_hash_test.h"
+#include "performance_test.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+char* algo_name = "Blake";
+ * additional validation-functions *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+void testrun_nessie_blake(void){
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b = 224;
+ nessie_hash_ctx.name = "Blake28";
+ nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B = 512/8;
+ nessie_hash_ctx.ctx_size_B = sizeof(blake28_ctx_t);
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_init = (nessie_hash_init_fpt)blake28_init;
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_next = (nessie_hash_next_fpt)blake28_nextBlock;
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_last = (nessie_hash_last_fpt)blake28_lastBlock;
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_conv = (nessie_hash_conv_fpt)blake28_ctx2hash;
+ nessie_hash_run();
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b = 256;
+ nessie_hash_ctx.name = "Blake32";
+ nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B = 512/8;
+ nessie_hash_ctx.ctx_size_B = sizeof(blake32_ctx_t);
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_init = (nessie_hash_init_fpt)blake32_init;
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_next = (nessie_hash_next_fpt)blake32_nextBlock;
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_last = (nessie_hash_last_fpt)blake32_lastBlock;
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_conv = (nessie_hash_conv_fpt)blake32_ctx2hash;
+ nessie_hash_run();
+void blake28_test(void* msg, uint32_t length_b){
+ uint8_t diggest[224/8];
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n=== Blake28 test ===\r\n message:\r\n"));
+ cli_hexdump_block(msg, (length_b+7)/8, 4, 16);
+ blake28(diggest, msg, length_b);
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n diggest:\r\n"));
+ cli_hexdump_block(diggest, 224/8, 4, 16);
+void blake32_test(void* msg, uint32_t length_b){
+ uint8_t diggest[256/8];
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n=== Blake32 test ===\r\n message:\r\n"));
+ cli_hexdump_block(msg, (length_b+7)/8, 4, 16);
+ blake32(diggest, msg, length_b);
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n diggest:\r\n"));
+ cli_hexdump_block(diggest, 256/8, 4, 16);
+void blake48_test(void* msg, uint32_t length_b){
+ uint8_t diggest[384/8];
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n=== Blake48 test ===\r\n message:\r\n"));
+ cli_hexdump_block(msg, (length_b+7)/8, 4, 16);
+ blake48(diggest, msg, length_b);
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n diggest:\r\n"));
+ cli_hexdump_block(diggest, 384/8, 4, 16);
+void blake64_test(void* msg, uint32_t length_b){
+ uint8_t diggest[512/8];
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n=== Blake48 test ===\r\n message:\r\n"));
+ cli_hexdump_block(msg, (length_b+7)/8, 4, 16);
+ blake64(diggest, msg, length_b);
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n diggest:\r\n"));
+ cli_hexdump_block(diggest, 512/8, 4, 16);
+void testrun_stdtest_blake(void){
+ uint8_t msg1[144];
+ memset(msg1, 0, 144);
+ blake28_test("", 8);
+ blake28_test(msg1, 576);
+ blake32_test("", 8);
+ blake32_test(msg1, 576);
+ blake48_test("", 8);
+ blake48_test(msg1, 1152);
+ blake64_test("", 8);
+ blake64_test(msg1, 1152);
+void testshort(void){
+ blake32_test("", 8);
+void testlshort(void){
+ blake64_test("", 8);
+void performance_blake(void){
+ uint64_t t;
+ char str[16];
+ uint8_t data[64];
+ uint8_t hash[512/8];
+ blake_small_ctx_t ctx;
+ blake_large_ctx_t ctx2;
+ calibrateTimer();
+ print_overhead();
+ memset(data, 0, 64);
+ startTimer(1);
+ blake28_init(&ctx);
+ t = stopTimer();
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\tctx-gen time (224): "));
+ ultoa((unsigned long)t, str, 10);
+ cli_putstr(str);
+ startTimer(1);
+ blake32_init(&ctx);
+ t = stopTimer();
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\tctx-gen time (256): "));
+ ultoa((unsigned long)t, str, 10);
+ cli_putstr(str);
+ startTimer(1);
+ blake48_init(&ctx2);
+ t = stopTimer();
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\tctx-gen time (384): "));
+ ultoa((unsigned long)t, str, 10);
+ cli_putstr(str);
+ startTimer(1);
+ blake64_init(&ctx2);
+ t = stopTimer();
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\tctx-gen time (512): "));
+ ultoa((unsigned long)t, str, 10);
+ cli_putstr(str);
+ startTimer(1);
+ blake_small_nextBlock(&ctx, data);
+ t = stopTimer();
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\tone-block (small) time: "));
+ ultoa((unsigned long)t, str, 10);
+ cli_putstr(str);
+ startTimer(1);
+ blake_large_nextBlock(&ctx2, data);
+ t = stopTimer();
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\tone-block (large) time: "));
+ ultoa((unsigned long)t, str, 10);
+ cli_putstr(str);
+ startTimer(1);
+ blake_small_lastBlock(&ctx, data, 0);
+ t = stopTimer();
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\tlast block (small) time: "));
+ ultoa((unsigned long)t, str, 10);
+ cli_putstr(str);
+ startTimer(1);
+ blake_large_lastBlock(&ctx2, data, 0);
+ t = stopTimer();
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\tlast block (large) time: "));
+ ultoa((unsigned long)t, str, 10);
+ cli_putstr(str);
+ startTimer(1);
+ blake28_ctx2hash(hash, &ctx);
+ t = stopTimer();
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\tctx2hash time (224): "));
+ ultoa((unsigned long)t, str, 10);
+ cli_putstr(str);
+ startTimer(1);
+ blake32_ctx2hash(hash, &ctx);
+ t = stopTimer();
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\tctx2hash time (256): "));
+ ultoa((unsigned long)t, str, 10);
+ cli_putstr(str);
+ startTimer(1);
+ blake48_ctx2hash(hash, &ctx2);
+ t = stopTimer();
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\tctx2hash time (384): "));
+ ultoa((unsigned long)t, str, 10);
+ cli_putstr(str);
+ startTimer(1);
+ blake64_ctx2hash(hash, &ctx2);
+ t = stopTimer();
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\tctx2hash time (512): "));
+ ultoa((unsigned long)t, str, 10);
+ cli_putstr(str);
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n"));
+ * main *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+const hfdesc_t* algolist[] PROGMEM = {
+ (hfdesc_t*)&blake28_desc,
+ (hfdesc_t*)&blake32_desc,
+ (hfdesc_t*)&blake48_desc,
+ (hfdesc_t*)&blake64_desc,
+const char nessie_str[] PROGMEM = "nessie";
+const char test_str[] PROGMEM = "test";
+const char testshort_str[] PROGMEM = "short";
+const char testlshort_str[] PROGMEM = "lshort";
+const char performance_str[] PROGMEM = "performance";
+const char echo_str[] PROGMEM = "echo";
+const char shavs_list_str[] PROGMEM = "shavs_list";
+const char shavs_set_str[] PROGMEM = "shavs_set";
+const char shavs_test1_str[] PROGMEM = "shavs_test1";
+cmdlist_entry_t cmdlist[] PROGMEM = {
+ { nessie_str, NULL, testrun_nessie_blake},
+ { test_str, NULL, testrun_stdtest_blake},
+ { testshort_str, NULL, testshort},
+ { testlshort_str, NULL, testlshort},
+ { performance_str, NULL, performance_blake},
+ { shavs_list_str, NULL, shavs_listalgos},
+ { shavs_set_str, (void*)1, (void_fpt)shavs_setalgo},
+ { shavs_test1_str, NULL, shavs_test1},
+ { echo_str, (void*)1, (void_fpt)echo_ctrl},
+int main (void){
+ cli_rx = uart_getc;
+ cli_tx = uart_putc;
+ shavs_algolist=(hfdesc_t**)algolist;
+ shavs_algo=(hfdesc_t*)&blake32_desc;
+ for(;;){
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\r\nCrypto-VS ("));
+ cli_putstr(algo_name);
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR("; "));
+ cli_putstr(__DATE__);
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR(" "));
+ cli_putstr(__TIME__);
+ cli_putstr_P(PSTR(")\r\nloaded and running\r\n"));
+ cmd_interface(cmdlist);
+ }
-/* main-shabal-test.c */
+/* main-bmw-test.c */
This file is part of the AVR-Crypto-Lib.
Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Otte (daniel.otte@rub.de)
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- * shabal test-suit
+ * BlueMidnightWish test-suit