--- /dev/null
+ *
+ * author: Daniel Otte
+ * email: daniel.otte@rub.de
+ * license: GPLv3
+ *
+ * a suit for running the nessie-tests for hashes
+ *
+ * */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "nessie_hash_test.h"
+#include "uart.h"
+nessie_hash_ctx_t nessie_hash_ctx;
+static void printblock(uint8_t* block, uint16_t blocksize_bit){
+ char tab [] = {'0', '1', '2', '3',
+ '4', '5', '6', '7',
+ '8', '9', 'A', 'B',
+ 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'};
+ uint16_t i;
+ for(i=0; i<(blocksize_bit+7)/8; ++i){
+ uart_putc(tab[(block[i])>>4]);
+ uart_putc(tab[(block[i])&0xf]);
+ }
+#define SPACES 31
+#define BYTESPERLINE 16
+static void printitem(char* name, uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t size_B){
+ uint8_t name_len;
+ uint8_t i;
+ name_len=strlen(name);
+ if(name_len>SPACES-1){
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n!!! formatting error !!!\r\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n"));
+ for(i=0; i<SPACES-name_len-1; ++i){
+ uart_putc(' ');
+ }
+ uart_putstr(name);
+ uart_putc('=');
+ /* now the data printing begins */
+ if(size_B<=BYTESPERLINE){
+ /* one line seems sufficient */
+ printblock(buffer, size_B*8);
+ } else {
+ /* we need more lines */
+ printblock(buffer, BYTESPERLINE*8); /* first line */
+ int16_t toprint = size_B - BYTESPERLINE;
+ buffer += BYTESPERLINE;
+ while(toprint > 0){
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n"));
+ for(i=0; i<SPACES; ++i){
+ uart_putc(' ');
+ }
+ printblock(buffer, ((toprint>BYTESPERLINE)?BYTESPERLINE:toprint)*8);
+ buffer += BYTESPERLINE;
+ toprint -= BYTESPERLINE;
+ }
+ }
+static void print_set_vector(uint8_t set, uint16_t vector){
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\r\nSet "));
+ uart_putc('0'+set%10);
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR(", vector#"));
+ uart_putc((vector<100)?' ':'0'+vector/100);
+ uart_putc((vector<10 )?' ':'0'+(vector/10)%10);
+ uart_putc('0'+vector%10);
+ uart_putc(':');
+/* example:
+Test vectors -- set 3
+ */
+static void print_setheader(uint8_t set){
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\r\nTest vectors -- set "));
+ uart_putc('0'+set%10);
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n====================="));
+/* example:
+*Project NESSIE - New European Schemes for Signature, Integrity, and Encryption*
+Primitive Name: Serpent
+Key size: 256 bits
+Block size: 128 bits
+static void print_header(void){
+ uint16_t i;
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\r\n"
+ "********************************************************************************\r\n"
+ "* micro-cryt - crypto primitives for microcontrolles by Daniel Otte *\r\n"
+ "********************************************************************************\r\n"
+ "\r\n"));
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("Primitive Name: "));
+ uart_putstr(nessie_hash_ctx.name);
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n"));
+ for(i=0; i<16+strlen(nessie_hash_ctx.name); ++i){
+ uart_putc('=');
+ }
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\nHash size: "));
+ if(nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b >100){
+ uart_putc('0'+nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b/100);
+ }
+ if(nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b>10){
+ uart_putc('0'+(nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b/10)%10);
+ }
+ uart_putc('0'+nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b%10);
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR(" bits\r\n"));
+static void print_footer(void){
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nEnd of test vectors"));
+void ascii_hash(char* data, char* desc){
+ uint8_t ctx[nessie_hash_ctx.ctx_size_B];
+ uint8_t hash[(nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b+7)/8];
+ uint16_t sl;
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n message="));
+ uart_putstr(desc);
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_init(ctx);
+ sl = strlen(data);
+ while(sl>=nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B){
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_next(data, ctx);
+ data += nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B;
+ sl -= nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B;
+ }
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_last(data, sl*8, ctx);
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_conv(hash, ctx);
+ printitem("hash", hash, (nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b+7)/8);
+// message=1 million times "a"
+void amillion_hash(void){
+ uint8_t ctx[nessie_hash_ctx.ctx_size_B];
+ uint8_t hash[(nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b+7)/8];
+ uint8_t block[nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B];
+ uint32_t n=1000000LL;
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n message="));
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("1 million times \"a\""));
+ memset(block, 'a', nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B);
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_init(ctx);
+ while(n>=nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B){
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_next(block, ctx);
+ n -= nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B;
+ }
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_last(block, n*8, ctx);
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_conv(hash, ctx);
+ printitem("hash", hash, (nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b+7)/8);
+void zero_hash(uint16_t n){
+ uint8_t ctx[nessie_hash_ctx.ctx_size_B];
+ uint8_t hash[(nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b+7)/8];
+ uint8_t block[nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B];
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n message="));
+ if(n>=10000)
+ uart_putc('0'+n/10000);
+ if(n>=1000)
+ uart_putc('0'+(n/1000)%10);
+ if(n>=100)
+ uart_putc('0'+(n/100)%10);
+ if(n>=10)
+ uart_putc('0'+(n/10)%10);
+ uart_putc('0'+n%10);
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR(" zero bits"));
+ memset(block, 0, nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B);
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_init(ctx);
+ while(n>=nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B*8){
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_next(block, ctx);
+ n -= nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B*8;
+ }
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_last(block, n, ctx);
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_conv(hash, ctx);
+ printitem("hash", hash, (nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b+7)/8);
+void one_in512_hash(uint16_t pos){
+ uint8_t ctx[nessie_hash_ctx.ctx_size_B];
+ uint8_t hash[(nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b+7)/8];
+ uint8_t block[nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B];
+ uint16_t n=512;
+ char* tab[8]={"80", "40", "20", "10",
+ "08", "04", "02", "01" };
+ pos&=511;
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n message="));
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("512-bit string: "));
+ if((pos/8) >=10){
+ uart_putc('0'+(pos/8/10)%10);
+ } else {
+ uart_putc(' ');
+ }
+ uart_putc('0'+(pos/8)%10);
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("*00,"));
+ uart_putstr(tab[pos&7]);
+ uart_putc(',');
+ if(63-(pos/8) >=10){
+ uart_putc('0'+((63-pos/8)/10)%10);
+ } else {
+ uart_putc(' ');
+ }
+ uart_putc('0'+(63-pos/8)%10);
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("*00"));
+ /* now the real stuff */
+ block[pos>>3] = 0x80>>(pos&0x7);
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_init(ctx);
+ while(n>=nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B*8){
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_next(block, ctx);
+ n -= nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B*8;
+ }
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_last(block, n, ctx);
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_conv(hash, ctx);
+ printitem("hash", hash, (nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b+7)/8);
+void tv4_hash(void){
+ uint8_t ctx[nessie_hash_ctx.ctx_size_B];
+ uint8_t hash[(nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b+7)/8];
+ uint8_t block[256/8];
+ uint16_t n=256;
+ uint32_t i;
+ uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n message="));
+ uart_putstr(PSTR("256 zero bits"));
+ memset(block, 0, 256/8);
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_init(ctx);
+ while(n>=nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B*8){
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_next(block, ctx);
+ n -= nessie_hash_ctx.blocksize_B*8;
+ }
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_last(block, n*8, ctx);
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_conv(hash, ctx);
+ printitem("hash", hash, (nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b+7)/8);
+ for(i=1; i<100000L; ++i){ /* this assumes BLOCKSIZE >= HASHSIZE */
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_init(ctx);
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_last(block, nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b, ctx);
+ nessie_hash_ctx.hash_conv(hash, ctx);
+ }
+ printitem("iterated 100000 times", hash, (nessie_hash_ctx.hashsize_b+7)/8);
+ "" (empty string)
+ message="a"
+ message="abc"
+ message="message digest"
+ message="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+ message="abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq"
+ message="A...Za...z0...9"
+ message=8 times "1234567890"
+void nessie_hash_run(void){
+ uint16_t i;
+ uint8_t set;
+ print_header();
+ /* test set 1 */
+ char* challange[8][2]= {
+ {"", "\"\" (empty string)"},
+ {"a", "\"a\""},
+ {"abc", "\"abc\""},
+ {"message digest", "\"message digest\""},
+ {"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\""},
+ {"abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq",
+ "\"abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq\""},
+ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+ "0123456789" , "\"A...Za...z0...9\""},
+ {"1234567890" "1234567890" "1234567890" "1234567890"
+ "1234567890" "1234567890" "1234567890" "1234567890",
+ "8 times \"1234567890\""}
+ };
+ set=1;
+ print_setheader(set);
+ for(i=0; i<8; ++i){
+ print_set_vector(set, i);
+ ascii_hash(challange[i][0], challange[i][1]);
+ }
+ print_set_vector(set, i);
+ amillion_hash();
+ /* test set 2 */
+ set=2;
+ print_setheader(set);
+ for(i=0; i<1024; ++i){
+ print_set_vector(set, i);
+ zero_hash(i);
+ }
+ /* test set 3 */
+ set=3;
+ print_setheader(set);
+ for(i=0; i<512; ++i){
+ print_set_vector(set, i);
+ one_in512_hash(i);
+ }
+ /* test set 4 */
+ set=4;
+ print_setheader(set);
+ print_set_vector(set, 0);
+ tv4_hash();
+ print_footer();