# Makefile for ECDSA ALGO_NAME := ECDSA # comment out the following line for removement of ECDSA from the build process SIGNATURE += $(ALGO_NAME) $(ALGO_NAME)_DIR := ecdsa/ $(ALGO_NAME)_INCDIR := memxor/ bigint/ sha1/ sha2/ noekeon/ base64/ hfal/ $(ALGO_NAME)_OBJ := bigint.o bigint_io.o nist_p192.o ecc_chudnovsky.o ecdsa_sign.o base64_enc.o \ sha2_small_common.o sha2_large_common.o sha224.o sha256.o sha384.o sha512.o \ sha1-asm.o $(ALGO_NAME)_TESTBIN := main-ecdsa-test.o $(CLI_STD) $(HFAL_STD) \ noekeon_asm.o noekeon_prng.o memxor.o \ hfal_sha1.o hfal_sha224.o hfal_sha256.o hfal_sha384.o hfal_sha512.o $(ALGO_NAME)_PERFORMANCE_TEST := performance