==================================== = Usage of streamciphers = ==================================== Author: Daniel Otte email: daniel.otte@rub.de 0. Foreword This file will describe how to use the streramcipher implementations provided by this library. It will not only show how to call the cryptographic functions but also discuss a little how to build security mechanisms from that. 1. What a streamcipher does A streamcipher normaly generates a deterministic, random looking stream of bits, known as keystream. For encryption purpose this keystream is XORed with the data stream. So decryption is exactly the same as encryption. The datastream is XORed with the keystream giving the plaintext. So both sides need exactly the same streamcipher in the same state. 1.1. high frequent parameters: outputsize: 8 bit, 1 bit keysize: 64 bit, 80 bit, 128 bit IVsize: 64 bit 2. Parts of a streamcipher * generation algorithm * initialisation algorithm * state As we can see all streamciphers seem to utilize an internal state which determines the output. This state is initialized by the initialisation algorithm with a key and an IV (initialisation vector). It is very important for security that _never_ the same key with the same IV is used again. The IV is not required to be kept secret. 3. streamcipher API The API is not always consistent due to the fact that we tried to optimize the code for size (flash, heap and stack) and speed (runtime of the different components). Generally the API of the implemented streamciphers consists of: *_init function, which implements the initialisation *_gen function, which implements the streamcipher algorithm and generates a keystream output *_ctx_t context type, which contains internal state information 3.1 look at the prototypes Generally the prototypes (defined in the *.h files) will tell you what parameter means what. 3.1.2 sizes in bits and bytes Working with cryptographical functions involves working with different lengths. Some times you want to know it in bits and sometimes in bytes. To reduce frustration and to avoid bugs we suffix a length parameter with either _b or _B depending on the meaning. _b means in bits and _B means in bytes (big b big word). 3.2. *_init function The *_init function generally takes a pointer to the key as first parameter. For ciphers where the keysize is not fixed the second parameter gives the keysize (in bits regularly) followed by a pointer to the IV and a length parameter for not fixed IV sizes (both are omitted if the algorithm does not specify IV handling, in this case a part of the key should be used as IV). The last parameter points to the context variable to fill. 3.3. *_gen function The *_gen function updates the internal state to which a pointer is given as parameter and returns a fixed length part of the keystream as return value.