]> git.cryptolib.org Git - arm-crypto-lib.git/blob - hw_uart.h
[arm-crypto-lib.git] / hw_uart.h
1 //*****************************************************************************\r
2 //\r
3 // hw_uart.h - Macros and defines used when accessing the UART hardware.\r
4 //\r
5 // Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Texas Instruments Incorporated.  All rights reserved.\r
6 // Software License Agreement\r
7 // \r
8 // Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and\r
9 // exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by\r
10 // TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright\r
11 // laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source\r
12 // software in order to form a larger program.\r
13 // \r
20 // \r
21 // This is part of revision 5821 of the Stellaris Firmware Development Package.\r
22 //\r
23 //*****************************************************************************\r
24 \r
25 #ifndef __HW_UART_H__\r
26 #define __HW_UART_H__\r
27 \r
28 //*****************************************************************************\r
29 //\r
30 // The following are defines for the UART register offsets.\r
31 //\r
32 //*****************************************************************************\r
33 #define UART_O_DR               0x00000000  // UART Data\r
34 #define UART_O_RSR              0x00000004  // UART Receive Status/Error Clear\r
35 #define UART_O_ECR              0x00000004  // UART Receive Status/Error Clear\r
36 #define UART_O_FR               0x00000018  // UART Flag\r
37 #define UART_O_ILPR             0x00000020  // UART IrDA Low-Power Register\r
38 #define UART_O_IBRD             0x00000024  // UART Integer Baud-Rate Divisor\r
39 #define UART_O_FBRD             0x00000028  // UART Fractional Baud-Rate\r
40                                             // Divisor\r
41 #define UART_O_LCRH             0x0000002C  // UART Line Control\r
42 #define UART_O_CTL              0x00000030  // UART Control\r
43 #define UART_O_IFLS             0x00000034  // UART Interrupt FIFO Level Select\r
44 #define UART_O_IM               0x00000038  // UART Interrupt Mask\r
45 #define UART_O_RIS              0x0000003C  // UART Raw Interrupt Status\r
46 #define UART_O_MIS              0x00000040  // UART Masked Interrupt Status\r
47 #define UART_O_ICR              0x00000044  // UART Interrupt Clear\r
48 #define UART_O_DMACTL           0x00000048  // UART DMA Control\r
49 #define UART_O_LCTL             0x00000090  // UART LIN Control\r
50 #define UART_O_LSS              0x00000094  // UART LIN Snap Shot\r
51 #define UART_O_LTIM             0x00000098  // UART LIN Timer\r
52 \r
53 //*****************************************************************************\r
54 //\r
55 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_DR register.\r
56 //\r
57 //*****************************************************************************\r
58 #define UART_DR_OE              0x00000800  // UART Overrun Error\r
59 #define UART_DR_BE              0x00000400  // UART Break Error\r
60 #define UART_DR_PE              0x00000200  // UART Parity Error\r
61 #define UART_DR_FE              0x00000100  // UART Framing Error\r
62 #define UART_DR_DATA_M          0x000000FF  // Data Transmitted or Received\r
63 #define UART_DR_DATA_S          0\r
64 \r
65 //*****************************************************************************\r
66 //\r
67 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_RSR register.\r
68 //\r
69 //*****************************************************************************\r
70 #define UART_RSR_OE             0x00000008  // UART Overrun Error\r
71 #define UART_RSR_BE             0x00000004  // UART Break Error\r
72 #define UART_RSR_PE             0x00000002  // UART Parity Error\r
73 #define UART_RSR_FE             0x00000001  // UART Framing Error\r
74 \r
75 //*****************************************************************************\r
76 //\r
77 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_ECR register.\r
78 //\r
79 //*****************************************************************************\r
80 #define UART_ECR_DATA_M         0x000000FF  // Error Clear\r
81 #define UART_ECR_DATA_S         0\r
82 \r
83 //*****************************************************************************\r
84 //\r
85 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_FR register.\r
86 //\r
87 //*****************************************************************************\r
88 #define UART_FR_RI              0x00000100  // Ring Indicator\r
89 #define UART_FR_TXFE            0x00000080  // UART Transmit FIFO Empty\r
90 #define UART_FR_RXFF            0x00000040  // UART Receive FIFO Full\r
91 #define UART_FR_TXFF            0x00000020  // UART Transmit FIFO Full\r
92 #define UART_FR_RXFE            0x00000010  // UART Receive FIFO Empty\r
93 #define UART_FR_BUSY            0x00000008  // UART Busy\r
94 #define UART_FR_DCD             0x00000004  // Data Carrier Detect\r
95 #define UART_FR_DSR             0x00000002  // Data Set Ready\r
96 #define UART_FR_CTS             0x00000001  // Clear To Send\r
97 \r
98 //*****************************************************************************\r
99 //\r
100 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_ILPR register.\r
101 //\r
102 //*****************************************************************************\r
103 #define UART_ILPR_ILPDVSR_M     0x000000FF  // IrDA Low-Power Divisor\r
104 #define UART_ILPR_ILPDVSR_S     0\r
105 \r
106 //*****************************************************************************\r
107 //\r
108 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_IBRD register.\r
109 //\r
110 //*****************************************************************************\r
111 #define UART_IBRD_DIVINT_M      0x0000FFFF  // Integer Baud-Rate Divisor\r
112 #define UART_IBRD_DIVINT_S      0\r
113 \r
114 //*****************************************************************************\r
115 //\r
116 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_FBRD register.\r
117 //\r
118 //*****************************************************************************\r
119 #define UART_FBRD_DIVFRAC_M     0x0000003F  // Fractional Baud-Rate Divisor\r
120 #define UART_FBRD_DIVFRAC_S     0\r
121 \r
122 //*****************************************************************************\r
123 //\r
124 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_LCRH register.\r
125 //\r
126 //*****************************************************************************\r
127 #define UART_LCRH_SPS           0x00000080  // UART Stick Parity Select\r
128 #define UART_LCRH_WLEN_M        0x00000060  // UART Word Length\r
129 #define UART_LCRH_WLEN_5        0x00000000  // 5 bits (default)\r
130 #define UART_LCRH_WLEN_6        0x00000020  // 6 bits\r
131 #define UART_LCRH_WLEN_7        0x00000040  // 7 bits\r
132 #define UART_LCRH_WLEN_8        0x00000060  // 8 bits\r
133 #define UART_LCRH_FEN           0x00000010  // UART Enable FIFOs\r
134 #define UART_LCRH_STP2          0x00000008  // UART Two Stop Bits Select\r
135 #define UART_LCRH_EPS           0x00000004  // UART Even Parity Select\r
136 #define UART_LCRH_PEN           0x00000002  // UART Parity Enable\r
137 #define UART_LCRH_BRK           0x00000001  // UART Send Break\r
138 \r
139 //*****************************************************************************\r
140 //\r
141 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_CTL register.\r
142 //\r
143 //*****************************************************************************\r
144 #define UART_CTL_CTSEN          0x00008000  // Enable Clear To Send\r
145 #define UART_CTL_RTSEN          0x00004000  // Enable Request to Send\r
146 #define UART_CTL_RTS            0x00000800  // Request to Send\r
147 #define UART_CTL_DTR            0x00000400  // Data Terminal Ready\r
148 #define UART_CTL_RXE            0x00000200  // UART Receive Enable\r
149 #define UART_CTL_TXE            0x00000100  // UART Transmit Enable\r
150 #define UART_CTL_LBE            0x00000080  // UART Loop Back Enable\r
151 #define UART_CTL_LIN            0x00000040  // LIN Mode Enable\r
152 #define UART_CTL_HSE            0x00000020  // High-Speed Enable\r
153 #define UART_CTL_EOT            0x00000010  // End of Transmission\r
154 #define UART_CTL_SMART          0x00000008  // ISO 7816 Smart Card Support\r
155 #define UART_CTL_SIRLP          0x00000004  // UART SIR Low-Power Mode\r
156 #define UART_CTL_SIREN          0x00000002  // UART SIR Enable\r
157 #define UART_CTL_UARTEN         0x00000001  // UART Enable\r
158 \r
159 //*****************************************************************************\r
160 //\r
161 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_IFLS register.\r
162 //\r
163 //*****************************************************************************\r
164 #define UART_IFLS_RX_M          0x00000038  // UART Receive Interrupt FIFO\r
165                                             // Level Select\r
166 #define UART_IFLS_RX1_8         0x00000000  // RX FIFO >= 1/8 full\r
167 #define UART_IFLS_RX2_8         0x00000008  // RX FIFO >= 1/4 full\r
168 #define UART_IFLS_RX4_8         0x00000010  // RX FIFO >= 1/2 full (default)\r
169 #define UART_IFLS_RX6_8         0x00000018  // RX FIFO >= 3/4 full\r
170 #define UART_IFLS_RX7_8         0x00000020  // RX FIFO >= 7/8 full\r
171 #define UART_IFLS_TX_M          0x00000007  // UART Transmit Interrupt FIFO\r
172                                             // Level Select\r
173 #define UART_IFLS_TX1_8         0x00000000  // TX FIFO <= 1/8 full\r
174 #define UART_IFLS_TX2_8         0x00000001  // TX FIFO <= 1/4 full\r
175 #define UART_IFLS_TX4_8         0x00000002  // TX FIFO <= 1/2 full (default)\r
176 #define UART_IFLS_TX6_8         0x00000003  // TX FIFO <= 3/4 full\r
177 #define UART_IFLS_TX7_8         0x00000004  // TX FIFO <= 7/8 full\r
178 \r
179 //*****************************************************************************\r
180 //\r
181 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_IM register.\r
182 //\r
183 //*****************************************************************************\r
184 #define UART_IM_LME5IM          0x00008000  // LIN Mode Edge 5 Interrupt Mask\r
185 #define UART_IM_LME1IM          0x00004000  // LIN Mode Edge 1 Interrupt Mask\r
186 #define UART_IM_LMSBIM          0x00002000  // LIN Mode Sync Break Interrupt\r
187                                             // Mask\r
188 #define UART_IM_OEIM            0x00000400  // UART Overrun Error Interrupt\r
189                                             // Mask\r
190 #define UART_IM_BEIM            0x00000200  // UART Break Error Interrupt Mask\r
191 #define UART_IM_PEIM            0x00000100  // UART Parity Error Interrupt Mask\r
192 #define UART_IM_FEIM            0x00000080  // UART Framing Error Interrupt\r
193                                             // Mask\r
194 #define UART_IM_RTIM            0x00000040  // UART Receive Time-Out Interrupt\r
195                                             // Mask\r
196 #define UART_IM_TXIM            0x00000020  // UART Transmit Interrupt Mask\r
197 #define UART_IM_RXIM            0x00000010  // UART Receive Interrupt Mask\r
198 #define UART_IM_DSRMIM          0x00000008  // UART Data Set Ready Modem\r
199                                             // Interrupt Mask\r
200 #define UART_IM_DCDMIM          0x00000004  // UART Data Carrier Detect Modem\r
201                                             // Interrupt Mask\r
202 #define UART_IM_CTSMIM          0x00000002  // UART Clear to Send Modem\r
203                                             // Interrupt Mask\r
204 #define UART_IM_RIMIM           0x00000001  // UART Ring Indicator Modem\r
205                                             // Interrupt Mask\r
206 \r
207 //*****************************************************************************\r
208 //\r
209 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_RIS register.\r
210 //\r
211 //*****************************************************************************\r
212 #define UART_RIS_LME5RIS        0x00008000  // LIN Mode Edge 5 Raw Interrupt\r
213                                             // Status\r
214 #define UART_RIS_LME1RIS        0x00004000  // LIN Mode Edge 1 Raw Interrupt\r
215                                             // Status\r
216 #define UART_RIS_LMSBRIS        0x00002000  // LIN Mode Sync Break Raw\r
217                                             // Interrupt Status\r
218 #define UART_RIS_OERIS          0x00000400  // UART Overrun Error Raw Interrupt\r
219                                             // Status\r
220 #define UART_RIS_BERIS          0x00000200  // UART Break Error Raw Interrupt\r
221                                             // Status\r
222 #define UART_RIS_PERIS          0x00000100  // UART Parity Error Raw Interrupt\r
223                                             // Status\r
224 #define UART_RIS_FERIS          0x00000080  // UART Framing Error Raw Interrupt\r
225                                             // Status\r
226 #define UART_RIS_RTRIS          0x00000040  // UART Receive Time-Out Raw\r
227                                             // Interrupt Status\r
228 #define UART_RIS_TXRIS          0x00000020  // UART Transmit Raw Interrupt\r
229                                             // Status\r
230 #define UART_RIS_RXRIS          0x00000010  // UART Receive Raw Interrupt\r
231                                             // Status\r
232 #define UART_RIS_DSRRIS         0x00000008  // UART Data Set Ready Modem Raw\r
233                                             // Interrupt Status\r
234 #define UART_RIS_DCDRIS         0x00000004  // UART Data Carrier Detect Modem\r
235                                             // Raw Interrupt Status\r
236 #define UART_RIS_CTSRIS         0x00000002  // UART Clear to Send Modem Raw\r
237                                             // Interrupt Status\r
238 #define UART_RIS_RIRIS          0x00000001  // UART Ring Indicator Modem Raw\r
239                                             // Interrupt Status\r
240 \r
241 //*****************************************************************************\r
242 //\r
243 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_MIS register.\r
244 //\r
245 //*****************************************************************************\r
246 #define UART_MIS_LME5MIS        0x00008000  // LIN Mode Edge 5 Masked Interrupt\r
247                                             // Status\r
248 #define UART_MIS_LME1MIS        0x00004000  // LIN Mode Edge 1 Masked Interrupt\r
249                                             // Status\r
250 #define UART_MIS_LMSBMIS        0x00002000  // LIN Mode Sync Break Masked\r
251                                             // Interrupt Status\r
252 #define UART_MIS_OEMIS          0x00000400  // UART Overrun Error Masked\r
253                                             // Interrupt Status\r
254 #define UART_MIS_BEMIS          0x00000200  // UART Break Error Masked\r
255                                             // Interrupt Status\r
256 #define UART_MIS_PEMIS          0x00000100  // UART Parity Error Masked\r
257                                             // Interrupt Status\r
258 #define UART_MIS_FEMIS          0x00000080  // UART Framing Error Masked\r
259                                             // Interrupt Status\r
260 #define UART_MIS_RTMIS          0x00000040  // UART Receive Time-Out Masked\r
261                                             // Interrupt Status\r
262 #define UART_MIS_TXMIS          0x00000020  // UART Transmit Masked Interrupt\r
263                                             // Status\r
264 #define UART_MIS_RXMIS          0x00000010  // UART Receive Masked Interrupt\r
265                                             // Status\r
266 #define UART_MIS_DSRMIS         0x00000008  // UART Data Set Ready Modem Masked\r
267                                             // Interrupt Status\r
268 #define UART_MIS_DCDMIS         0x00000004  // UART Data Carrier Detect Modem\r
269                                             // Masked Interrupt Status\r
270 #define UART_MIS_CTSMIS         0x00000002  // UART Clear to Send Modem Masked\r
271                                             // Interrupt Status\r
272 #define UART_MIS_RIMIS          0x00000001  // UART Ring Indicator Modem Masked\r
273                                             // Interrupt Status\r
274 \r
275 //*****************************************************************************\r
276 //\r
277 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_ICR register.\r
278 //\r
279 //*****************************************************************************\r
280 #define UART_ICR_LME5MIC        0x00008000  // LIN Mode Edge 5 Interrupt Clear\r
281 #define UART_ICR_LME1MIC        0x00004000  // LIN Mode Edge 1 Interrupt Clear\r
282 #define UART_ICR_LMSBMIC        0x00002000  // LIN Mode Sync Break Interrupt\r
283                                             // Clear\r
284 #define UART_ICR_OEIC           0x00000400  // Overrun Error Interrupt Clear\r
285 #define UART_ICR_BEIC           0x00000200  // Break Error Interrupt Clear\r
286 #define UART_ICR_PEIC           0x00000100  // Parity Error Interrupt Clear\r
287 #define UART_ICR_FEIC           0x00000080  // Framing Error Interrupt Clear\r
288 #define UART_ICR_RTIC           0x00000040  // Receive Time-Out Interrupt Clear\r
289 #define UART_ICR_TXIC           0x00000020  // Transmit Interrupt Clear\r
290 #define UART_ICR_RXIC           0x00000010  // Receive Interrupt Clear\r
291 #define UART_ICR_DSRMIC         0x00000008  // UART Data Set Ready Modem\r
292                                             // Interrupt Clear\r
293 #define UART_ICR_DCDMIC         0x00000004  // UART Data Carrier Detect Modem\r
294                                             // Interrupt Clear\r
295 #define UART_ICR_CTSMIC         0x00000002  // UART Clear to Send Modem\r
296                                             // Interrupt Clear\r
297 #define UART_ICR_RIMIC          0x00000001  // UART Ring Indicator Modem\r
298                                             // Interrupt Clear\r
299 \r
300 //*****************************************************************************\r
301 //\r
302 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_DMACTL register.\r
303 //\r
304 //*****************************************************************************\r
305 #define UART_DMACTL_DMAERR      0x00000004  // DMA on Error\r
306 #define UART_DMACTL_TXDMAE      0x00000002  // Transmit DMA Enable\r
307 #define UART_DMACTL_RXDMAE      0x00000001  // Receive DMA Enable\r
308 \r
309 //*****************************************************************************\r
310 //\r
311 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_LCTL register.\r
312 //\r
313 //*****************************************************************************\r
314 #define UART_LCTL_BLEN_M        0x00000030  // Sync Break Length\r
315 #define UART_LCTL_BLEN_13T      0x00000000  // Sync break length is 13T bits\r
316                                             // (default)\r
317 #define UART_LCTL_BLEN_14T      0x00000010  // Sync break length is 14T bits\r
318 #define UART_LCTL_BLEN_15T      0x00000020  // Sync break length is 15T bits\r
319 #define UART_LCTL_BLEN_16T      0x00000030  // Sync break length is 16T bits\r
320 #define UART_LCTL_MASTER        0x00000001  // LIN Master Enable\r
321 \r
322 //*****************************************************************************\r
323 //\r
324 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_LSS register.\r
325 //\r
326 //*****************************************************************************\r
327 #define UART_LSS_TSS_M          0x0000FFFF  // Timer Snap Shot\r
328 #define UART_LSS_TSS_S          0\r
329 \r
330 //*****************************************************************************\r
331 //\r
332 // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_LTIM register.\r
333 //\r
334 //*****************************************************************************\r
335 #define UART_LTIM_TIMER_M       0x0000FFFF  // Timer Value\r
336 #define UART_LTIM_TIMER_S       0\r
337 \r
338 //*****************************************************************************\r
339 //\r
340 // The following definitions are deprecated.\r
341 //\r
342 //*****************************************************************************\r
343 #ifndef DEPRECATED\r
344 \r
345 //*****************************************************************************\r
346 //\r
347 // The following are deprecated defines for the UART register offsets.\r
348 //\r
349 //*****************************************************************************\r
350 #define UART_O_LCR_H            0x0000002C  // Line Control Register, HIGH byte\r
351 #define UART_O_PeriphID4        0x00000FD0\r
352 #define UART_O_PeriphID5        0x00000FD4\r
353 #define UART_O_PeriphID6        0x00000FD8\r
354 #define UART_O_PeriphID7        0x00000FDC\r
355 #define UART_O_PeriphID0        0x00000FE0\r
356 #define UART_O_PeriphID1        0x00000FE4\r
357 #define UART_O_PeriphID2        0x00000FE8\r
358 #define UART_O_PeriphID3        0x00000FEC\r
359 #define UART_O_PCellID0         0x00000FF0\r
360 #define UART_O_PCellID1         0x00000FF4\r
361 #define UART_O_PCellID2         0x00000FF8\r
362 #define UART_O_PCellID3         0x00000FFC\r
363 \r
364 //*****************************************************************************\r
365 //\r
366 // The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_DR\r
367 // register.\r
368 //\r
369 //*****************************************************************************\r
370 #define UART_DR_DATA_MASK       0x000000FF  // UART data\r
371 \r
372 //*****************************************************************************\r
373 //\r
374 // The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_IBRD\r
375 // register.\r
376 //\r
377 //*****************************************************************************\r
378 #define UART_IBRD_DIVINT_MASK   0x0000FFFF  // Integer baud-rate divisor\r
379 \r
380 //*****************************************************************************\r
381 //\r
382 // The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_FBRD\r
383 // register.\r
384 //\r
385 //*****************************************************************************\r
386 #define UART_FBRD_DIVFRAC_MASK  0x0000003F  // Fractional baud-rate divisor\r
387 \r
388 //*****************************************************************************\r
389 //\r
390 // The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_LCR_H\r
391 // register.\r
392 //\r
393 //*****************************************************************************\r
394 #define UART_LCR_H_SPS          0x00000080  // Stick Parity Select\r
395 #define UART_LCR_H_WLEN         0x00000060  // Word length\r
396 #define UART_LCR_H_WLEN_5       0x00000000  // 5 bit data\r
397 #define UART_LCR_H_WLEN_6       0x00000020  // 6 bit data\r
398 #define UART_LCR_H_WLEN_7       0x00000040  // 7 bit data\r
399 #define UART_LCR_H_WLEN_8       0x00000060  // 8 bit data\r
400 #define UART_LCR_H_FEN          0x00000010  // Enable FIFO\r
401 #define UART_LCR_H_STP2         0x00000008  // Two Stop Bits Select\r
402 #define UART_LCR_H_EPS          0x00000004  // Even Parity Select\r
403 #define UART_LCR_H_PEN          0x00000002  // Parity Enable\r
404 #define UART_LCR_H_BRK          0x00000001  // Send Break\r
405 \r
406 //*****************************************************************************\r
407 //\r
408 // The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_IFLS\r
409 // register.\r
410 //\r
411 //*****************************************************************************\r
412 #define UART_IFLS_RX_MASK       0x00000038  // RX FIFO level mask\r
413 #define UART_IFLS_TX_MASK       0x00000007  // TX FIFO level mask\r
414 \r
415 //*****************************************************************************\r
416 //\r
417 // The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_ICR\r
418 // register.\r
419 //\r
420 //*****************************************************************************\r
421 #define UART_RSR_ANY            (UART_RSR_OE | UART_RSR_BE | UART_RSR_PE | \\r
422                                  UART_RSR_FE)\r
423 \r
424 //*****************************************************************************\r
425 //\r
426 // The following are deprecated defines for the Reset Values for UART\r
427 // Registers.\r
428 //\r
429 //*****************************************************************************\r
430 #define UART_RV_CTL             0x00000300\r
431 #define UART_RV_PCellID1        0x000000F0\r
432 #define UART_RV_PCellID3        0x000000B1\r
433 #define UART_RV_FR              0x00000090\r
434 #define UART_RV_PeriphID2       0x00000018\r
435 #define UART_RV_IFLS            0x00000012\r
436 #define UART_RV_PeriphID0       0x00000011\r
437 #define UART_RV_PCellID0        0x0000000D\r
438 #define UART_RV_PCellID2        0x00000005\r
439 #define UART_RV_PeriphID3       0x00000001\r
440 #define UART_RV_PeriphID4       0x00000000\r
441 #define UART_RV_LCR_H           0x00000000\r
442 #define UART_RV_PeriphID6       0x00000000\r
443 #define UART_RV_DR              0x00000000\r
444 #define UART_RV_RSR             0x00000000\r
445 #define UART_RV_ECR             0x00000000\r
446 #define UART_RV_PeriphID5       0x00000000\r
447 #define UART_RV_RIS             0x00000000\r
448 #define UART_RV_FBRD            0x00000000\r
449 #define UART_RV_IM              0x00000000\r
450 #define UART_RV_MIS             0x00000000\r
451 #define UART_RV_ICR             0x00000000\r
452 #define UART_RV_PeriphID1       0x00000000\r
453 #define UART_RV_PeriphID7       0x00000000\r
454 #define UART_RV_IBRD            0x00000000\r
455 \r
456 #endif\r
457 \r
458 #endif // __HW_UART_H__\r